Six licenses for sharing your work
A short pamphlet that explains how Creative Commons licenses work.
Filter and access the resources below or submit one here
A short pamphlet that explains how Creative Commons licenses work.
A short pamphlet that explains how public domain tools work.
Quick video explaining how CC licenses work.
A quick video on the basics of Creative Commons.
A perfect place to start. a course explaining the basics of Creative Commons.
A short video explaining what Creative Commons is.
Video explaining how creativity always builds on the past
A poster explaining how to choose a Creative Commons license.
Poster outlining what each CC license allows users to do.
Poster with reasons to support Open Educational Resources
Animated introduction to open educational resources.
A video for nonprofits and educators that outlines the basics of open resources.
A short video that explains how Creative Commons licenses work.
This infographic outlines how CC licenses work and best practices for attribution
An Arabic infographic outlining how the six CC licenses work.
A fun video explaining how to use CC.
A primer on the best practices for open data.
A course outlining open practice and publishing in science.
A fun infographic explaining the conditions on CC licenses.
A website explaining how CC works for musicians.
A course explaining the basics of copyright and Creative Commons for educators.
A course designed for educators, outlining the basics of open licensing.
A website for open policy education and advocacy.